Frequently asked Questions on Lecturers’ Evaluation Exercise

Frequently asked Questions on Lecturers’ Evaluation Exercise

Question:    What is Lecturers’ Evaluation?

Answer:  It is an exercise carried out online every semester to assess the effectiveness of teaching from the student’s perspective. 

Question:    At what point of the semester does a student evaluate his/her lecturers’?

Answer:  The evaluation process is open in the Students’ Management Information System (SMIS) exactly two weeks to the commencement of end of semester exams and closed at the end of the exam period.

Question:    What does the evaluation aim at?

Answer:       The aim of the evaluation is to help the lecturers improve where shortfalls are identified.

Question:    Why must I evaluate before generation of the exam card?

Answer:       Mount Kenya is committed to providing you with world class education. In pursuit of this, it shall continually assess the needs of its stakeholders to ensure continual improvement; being a major stakeholder, your feedback is paramount.

Question:    What should I evaluate?

Answer:      The evaluation questionnaire has clear evaluation items.The remarks column is, however, of great importance. Use it to point out any challenges encountered in the learning process of the course under evaluation. For instance, the lecturer could be great in all aspects but learning is hindered by other factors like space, internet connectivity etc.

Question:    How does the lecturers’ Evaluation benefit me?

Answer:      Your lecturers identify their strengths and weaknesses, and work harder in the areas that need improvement to serve you better. It is a forum through which you can guide your lecturers towards providing educational experiences you truly enjoy. You can highlight a lecturer’s positive aspects, to fire his/her enthusiasm in developing you. Lecturers will be less likely to become complacent in their work if they know that they will be evaluated regularly. You have a say in the improvement of your entire learning process - the space, learning resources and experiences.

 Run with this opportunity to optimize your University education experience; help your institution of choice rank you high in the job market!


Ruth Mutahi,

For Director, Quality Assurance and Linkages

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